Privacy Statement – Intrinsic Finance

The following is Intrinsic Finance “Intrinsic” Privacy Statement, and as such conveys Intrinsic’s stance on the handling of both personal information as well as credit-related information. If you would like to know more about the below material, you can contact Intrinsic by:

  • Telephone: 1300 463 466
  • email:
  • Post: GPO Box 1185, Brisbane, QLD 4001

When Intrinsic collects, uses or discloses personal information (especially creditworthiness information) it is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), including the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014.

Personal Information (and creditworthiness information) Collection, Use and Sharing

Intrinsic collects personal information about You for the purpose of providing services to You or someone else You know; assessing Your creditworthiness and the creditworthiness of related individuals; obtaining credit-reporting and creditworthiness information about You from credit-reporting bodies (CRBs) or other credit providers; providing You with promotional material and information; facilitating its internal business operations; analysing Intrinsic’s services and customer needs and because Intrinsic is required or permitted by any law to do so. 

In order to provide services to You, Intrinsic may disclose Your personal information from time to time to:

  • Intrinsic’s employees, contractors, and related and affiliated entities for the purpose of providing Intrinsic’s services, operating Intrinsic’s business, and fulfilling requests by You;
  • service providers who assist Intrinsic in operating its business and services, and such personal information will only be used to the extent necessary to perform the services;
  • Intrinsic’s related entities and other organisations with whom Intrinsic has affiliations so that those organisations may provide You with information about services and various promotions;
  • CRBs such as Equifax, and debt collection agents;
  • third parties to whom You have agreed Intrinsic may disclose Your information;
  • the police, any relevant government authority or enforcement body, for example, if Intrinsic has reason to suspect that You have committed a breach of the Agreement, or have otherwise been engaged in any unlawful activity during the Loan Period, and Intrinsic reasonably believes that disclosure is necessary;
  • third parties where required by law, binding regulation or court order; and

(h)     a proposed or actual purchaser/newly controlling entity of a sale and/or transfer of control of all or part of Intrinsic’s business, where Your personal information is relevant to any part of the business for sale and/or transfer.

External Service Providers and Overseas Disclosure

Intrinsic is assisted by a variety of external service providers to deliver its services, some of whom may be located overseas. These third parties are too numerous to list, and they change from time to time. Some examples of the types of third-parties include:

(a)        technology service providers including:

hosting service providers such as FinPower located in Australia; and

(b)        developers, IT system administrators, and support staff, located in the New Zealand. While Intrinsic’s developers and support staff rarely access live data, they may do so when troubleshooting complex support requests or bugs, or designing new functionality.

You consent to this overseas disclosure and agree that by providing that consent, APP 8.1 under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) no longer applies. APP 8.1 requires entities to take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the APPs in relation to the information.

Support staff in these locations are also bound by Australian Privacy Principles when dealing with personal and creditworthiness information.

Information Standard: Disclaimer

If the personal information You provide to Intrinsic is incomplete or inaccurate, Intrinsic may not be able to provide You with the services You are seeking.

Privacy Policy

Intrinsic Privacy Policy sets out more detailed information about how Intrinsic and its related entities manages personal information (such as the types of personal information collected, the purposes and circumstances of its collection, the use and disclosure of that information, and how the personal information is secured), rights to access and correct that information and how You can make a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles. The Privacy Policy is available at or by contacting Intrinsic at or on 1300 463 466

Statement of Notifiable Matters

Intrinsic’s Statement of Notifiable Matters provides more information about Intrinsic’s credit reporting, including the Credit Reporting Bodies (CRB’s) to which Intrinsic is likely to disclose your credit information. Additionally, a customer has a right to access and correct information held about them and may make complaints where they believe this information was collected unlawfully, or there was otherwise some breach of the relevant privacy or credit laws by Intrinsic. More details on this are available in Intrinsic’s Credit Reporting Policy, the details for which are also made available in this Statement. Intrinsic’s Statement of Notifiable Matters is available at or by contacting Intrinsic at or on 1300 463 466. You can request to have the Statement provided in an alternative form.

Credit Reporting Policy

Intrinsic’s credit reporting policy provides more information about how Intrinsic and its related entities manage credit-related information (including the types of credit-related information collected), and about access and correction rights in relation to that information and how to complain about breaches of the credit reporting requirements under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Credit Reporting Code. Intrinsic’s credit reporting policy is available at or by contacting Intrinsic at or on 1300 463 466.

Important information about credit reporting

Intrinsic’s website includes important information about credit reporting available at This includes details about the credit reporting bodies that Intrinsic deals with, and Intrinsic’s statement of notifiable matters under the Credit Reporting Code. The statement contains information about credit reporting, the kinds of information that Intrinsic may give to CRBs (such as overdue payment information), how they may handle it, and what happens if You fail to meet repayment obligations or commit a serious credit infringement. It also includes details about access, correction and complaint rights regarding credit-related personal information and rights to prevent the use of credit-related information in certain circumstances, such as to request CRBs not to use it for the purposes of pre-screening of direct marketing by a credit provider, or if You are a victim of identity fraud. A copy of this information is also available from Intrinsic on request.

Trading Names

The Company to which this policy applies is Intrinsic Finance (ABN 93 151 835 040)

Last Updated

This document was updated and/or last released on 16/11/2023.