About this credit guide

As a licenced credit provider, we are required to give you a Credit Guide as soon as practicable after it becomes apparent to us that a loan is likely to be entered into. This credit guide has information about us and:

  • our responsible lending obligations under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act; and
  • what you can do if you have a complaint.

Loan contract must not be unsuitable for you

Under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act, we must not enter into a loan with you if the contract is unsuitable for you. The contract will be unsuitable for you if, at the time the contract is entered into it is likely that:

  • you will be unable to comply with your financial obligations under the contract, or could only comply with substantial hardship; or
  • the contract will not meet your requirements or objectives.

We must make an assessment of whether the contract will be unsuitable for you before entering into a contract with you. You can request a copy of our assessment from the General Manager – Compliance (at no charge to you):

  • before entering the loan contract, if you make the request before then;
  • within 7 business days, if your request is made within 2 years of entering into the contract; and
  • otherwise, within 21 business days.

We do not need to give you a copy of the assessment if:

  • your request is made more than 7 years after entering into the contract or the credit limit increase, or
  • the credit contract is not entered into or the credit limit is not increased.

View our Credit Policy here.

Dispute resolution procedures

Wherever possible we will seek to settle your complaint through our complaint procedure.